Sunday, August 7, 2011

Back in Aus!

It hasn't yet been a week since I've been back, but somehow it also feels like I never left! I have jumped right into classes, serving in my weekly/weekend ministries, and of course my social schedule! haha. It has been good to be back and get back into the routine I've been in for the last 6 months. I AM missing home as well though... It was so nice to be back and see everything that's been going on in Windsor! The new HPAC is looking amazing, and it was awesome to get a glimpse of the new building and programs that are happening there already! :)

Thankfully when I got back, I didn't have to worry about getting home from the airport by myself... My friend Bede (yes, an interesting name, I know!) has a car and he picked me up which was awesome!! Grabbed a bite to eat, and then headed home to see my lovely ROOMIE Angelique! Was sooo good to see her, and we spent the rest of the day/night together.

So far, this week has been pretty relaxing... Have had a couple days of class, and got my things organized in my new flat! Living with Angelique this semester, and have also got 2 new flat mates from the new intake! One is from Texas, and the other is from Finland! They are very sweet girls, and we all get along great (Thank you Jesus!!!) I am excited to see what this semester brings! Will blog again soon. :)