Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter & Break

Hello again! Easter is just around the corner and that means it's getting busy around here again. Hillsong (city campus) is renting out the Sydney Entertainment Center for Good Friday service and also Easter Sunday service! That's 9000 seats that we're trying to fill! We've been doing this cool initiative to invite people to the services where we do Random Acts of Kindness. Once we do the act, we give a business card that simply has a cross = love (where the cross is a symbol and love is a heart). Then the back of the card says This Is Love and gives a website which isn't directly hillsong. So it's kinda cool and gets people to a site which then explains why they were given that act of kindness and talks about Easter, etc. There have been some pretty cool stories with that so far!

Next week, Monday and Tuesday are public holidays here, and then we have Wednesday-Friday off of school! It will be a nice week to relax and catch up on sleep... Perhaps take a day trip somewhere south and hit the beach for the day! I'm really looking forward to just having absolutely nothing. Besides work... which is good because it's paying my rent! (yay bills! haha)

Another cool thing that I did recently was started to write the first song I've written since I've been here! That's pretty crazy for me as I love to write music at home a lot... I just don't have ready access to a piano or guitar here, so it's more difficult. But that was really refreshing to just write and get out some of what's inside (on the musical side of things!). I think my friend Angelique and I are going to try to write a song together for the college's talent show called The Box which is coming up in May. We're both pretty excited about that too :)

Anyways, I think that's about all for now. Besides Easter and the break, nothing is really new over here! Just keeping up with classes, friends, and God! Much love...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


These past 2 weeks have been ones of refreshment for me. As my relationship with God grows, so does the amount that I hear His voice speaking into my life. There has been so much going on here, and with help from The Big Guy upstairs, I really feel as though I've been making good decisions about different things/circumstances that He has put in my life. I'm learning more and more that when I put time and effort into my relationship with Him, He WILL speak to me.

I started reading "The Power of a Whisper" by Bill Hybels today (thank you Linda Lesperance!!) and it is SO good. I was only going to read one chapter, but I couldn't put it down. Some of the key things that really stuck out to me were:
1) Whispers from God can be dangerous and costly. If we want to hear from Him, we also must be willing to sacrifice.
2) Our God is a communicating God. He is relational and he is near.
3) The issue isn't whether or not God is speaking; it's whether we will have ears to hear what He says.
These things really are making me think more about God's whispers on MY life. Maybe He will/is calling me to do something involving sacrifice. I know I just need to have the ears to hear what He's saying, and be open to the things that he may be calling me to do.

On a little bit of a lighter note... school is going really well! I'm doing well on all of my assessments (aka: assignments) and my "worship band" just had our first performance! It went really well -- it was just fun to jam out on a stage with a live audience and get a feel for the other 3 performances we'll have to do this year! Now we know what to expect and can prepare accordingly. Working in a band setting without chord charts is really helping me learn better how to play by ear and figure things out with a group of people who all have different and unique ideas of how the song should sound. It's been a really good experience! :)

I'm starting to feel a bit sick (sneezing, congested, etc.) so if some of you would keep that in your prayers it would be much appreciated! The weather is changing slowly here, so that could be part of it. Although I've got to say, it's a beautiful time of year in Australia! I can still wear a t-shirt outside, but there's a nice breeze that comes through so it's really the perfect temperature... I promise I'm not rubbing it in... haha ;) Anyways, i'm off to eat some American Kraft Dinner (Mac n Cheese) that was shipped to Angelique from the homeland! mmmm... Much Love!