Saturday, January 29, 2011

PowerHouse Retreat

So the reason I haven't blogged for a few days is because PowerHouse (the young adults groups from Hillsong) had a 3-day retreat! We went up the coast a bit and camped out, then had sessions/worship/dance parties/fun! :) It was a really awesome time, and God really showed up!

This blog is generally going to be about what God taught me during retreat and then I'll give a brief update on some general life things!

Each day of the retreat there was between 1 and 3 sessions, each with a different speaker and a worship set. First of all, I have to say it is pretty awesome to have worship every time with Hillsong bands. The music is phenomenal and just enhances the worship "experience" -- especially when you're a musical person! Anyways, I'm going to give a few general points from different sessions that God spoke to me through.

The first thing that really hit home for me was a message about going through trials and how when we have issues and struggles, that's when we are developed and grown. The speaker talked about how we need to change what needs to be changed in our lives and how when we become aware of those things and deal with them, we develop perseverance. But not only that, God RESTORES our souls through those hard times. I had a day last week where I just become totally exhausted and overwhelmed. I missed my friends from home that just KNOW me. The people that I don't need to say anything to, but they know something is up. They can read me, and know me in an intimate way. I missed those relationships and connections. Yes, I'm making great friends here, but it takes TIME and INVESTMENT to really get to know someone deeply. And I was feeling worn out, tired, and disconnected. But God restores my soul. And He truly did during this retreat. Even though I am extremely tired from lack of sleep, I know that emotionally and in a heart-way, God has restored me.

The second thing God revealed to me during the retreat was we can't allow our fears/insecurities stop up from going through the doors of our lives that God puts in front of us. Opportunities that God gives us. We need to push through and find out what lies beyond the door for us. If we are too scared of change, we may miss amazing things that God has for us! I am realizing that I need to be fully focused and devoted to my life here in Sydney. To the people that are around me, to the church, to my ministries, and to school. I need to surrender my fears and insecurities to God and allow Him to calm my spirit and have a hold of my life.

Finally, God spoke to me about decision-making. Generally when it comes to important things I'm a fairly intentional decision-maker. However, many times I do feel indecisive. Unsure. But the speaker gave 3 very awesome points about this:
1) We have the authority and responsibility to make decisions. [we need to be intentional and take charge. we need to understand that we have authority and power.] -- Deut. 17:9
2) We have the ability to make decisions. [we have the Word and the Holy Spirit with us. But if we aren't reading the bible, how can we make good/right decisions? I know I need to be in the Word more regularly.]
3) We have the opportunity and urgency to make decisions. [there's no point in waiting. we can't be too arrogant to admit a need.]
We can't be people that are indecisive. We can't sit half in the shade, half in the sun! We need to make a decision and a choice. I've chosen Jesus. I've chosen the Sun. And I want everyone I know to choose Him too! There's no fence, there's no half-way point! For what fellowship can light have with darkness? We can't be lukewarm. God doesn't want people who serve Him part-way. We need to stand up for Him, and never sit back down.

So those are some thoughts on what I've been processing about retreat. It was an awesome experience and I'm so glad I went, even though it was a tad pricey. haha. Besides the retreat things have been really great! My flat truly feels like home now, and I love that. It's nice to have my own place and that it actually feels like mine and not just a hotel I'm staying in for a while.

Auditions (aka: assessments) are tomorrow for the Worship Ministry people. We just have to play a couple of songs with the band and do a short theory test -- I'm not worried about it. The only thing is that they don't use chord charts here! It's all ear and memorization. So that will really stretch me I think... I'm really happy that this is the case though, because I think it will really help me grow as a musician! :)

I hope everyone is doing well at home! Make sure you leave some comments and let me know how you're all doing! Love and miss you!


  1. Hey Kristin! I'm glad you had a good retreat and heard God's call to be decisive, because through you all your faithful blog readers are hearing God's message as well:). I sometimes struggle with lukewarmness in my faith, and your post is a good reminder for me to not be afraid to make decisions in my life and to simply trust in God. Good luck on your assessments. We'll be praying for you!!!

  2. I'm loving the blog, BG, and I have sent it on to a few friends who have expressed interest in what's going on in your life. You have more people tracking with you and praying for you than you know! Love you! Dad
